by Nathan
June 4, 2018
As many RingCentral users quickly realize, call reporting isn't as real-time or accurate as they'd like. Daily call logs are not available until the following day, and the built-in reporting can show issues (e.g. excessive missed calls) which aren't actually occurring but are a result of having more unique installations. Users are increasingly contacting us as their need for timely access to accurate information is not being fulfilled.
We've not only identified the issues that cause most users frustration, but have designed our reporting from the ground up to avoid these issues entirely, while handling the unique challenges of the RingCentral system. The interfaces available to developers - while powerful and reliable - aren't designed for ongoing data collection & reporting like what a typical Call Accounting / Tracking solution would use, and because of this, require an entirely differently designed solution.
The available interfaces however allow for features which are not possible in standard Call Accounting solutions. Some of these reduce the amount of direct administration necessary, others provide access to more timely information, and improve staff safety.
Anyone familiar with RingCentral's built-in reporting will appreciate the flexible reporting and report delivery options built-in to our fully RingCentral-designed solution. Contact us to see how Genesis Call Accounting for RingCentral improves your business oversight, safety, and ultimately, performance.