
Genesis Blog

New Appearance Update Now Available

by Nathan September 4, 2017

The latest software release includes a major appearance update. Users of our web versions will notice this upgrade immediately, which provides easier navigation, reporting updates, and significantly enhanced usability on a variety of devices including tablets, smartphones, and other browser-enabled devices.

Feel free to contact our support office with any questions or concerns you have and we’ll be more than happy to show you around your new software. If you haven't received your upgrade yet feel contact our sales office to find out when you will be receiving it.

Users of Genesis Hosted Solutions are already upgraded this latest version, and have the benefit of always having access to the most current features. With Genesis Hosted Solutions you can expect all the same powerful call analytics, management & exception alerting available in our premises-based solutions, but with greater accessibility and virtually no configuration & ongoing maintenance required on your part. Interested in going hosted? Give sales a call to discuss!