Call Accounting & Tracking


Genesis Call Accounting

The Genesis Call Accounting & Tracking solution provides complete, organization-wide reporting on all calls within your voice network(s). By connecting to your multiple voice solutions and using our industry-leading record management & storage engine, Genesis Accounting & Tracking allows you to retain information indefinitely and run reports encompassing years of calls with little to no degradation in performance. Our unique approaches to storage, analysis, management and reporting are just some of the reasons why Genesis Call Accounting has been the standard for many of the largest organizations for decades.

Most large, multi-location organizations have unique voice networks using a variety of different platforms, endpoints & routes. Regardless of system complexity and variations, reports need to be clear, concise, consistent, and informative while being easy to understand. Understanding how to interpret data from multiple sources and deliver accurate reporting in the most unique cases is a core strength of both the Genesis team and our Call Accounting & Tracking Solution.

Capture all calls from multiple voice platforms as soon as data is available

Minimize day-to-day administration by auto-updating users, departments and other information from your voice system

Simplify voice platform migrations by providing consistent, uninterrupted reporting throughout

Assigns calls & equipment to departments and groups for easy cost allocation and tenant bill-backs

Perform automatic month-ends and retain records of all call activity and usage indefinitely, without limitation

Monitor local, incoming, long distance, international, misdialed & internal calls selectively

Fulfill organization-wide mandatory voice activity records keeping and general compliance requirements

Automatically detect 911 calls, Fraudulent calls & alert on exceptions

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